Monday, April 18, 2011

Seriously, how LAZY can one be??

It amazes me how lazy some people are these days, and I don't see it getting any better, only worse.  I can't tell you exactly when it started in human life, I 'm not that old, but I am old enough to remember when certain Mcburgers didn't come in paper wraps and Pepsi came in glass bottles instead of plastic.   
Some say life was harder back then but I see it differently.  It was easier back then, even though technology was making things more convenient.  
We all have devices to make life easier. right?  We use dish washing machines, instead of washing them by hand, clothes washing machines instead of a washboard, clothes driers to (bake)  dry them in a spinning oven instead of hanging them out on a line to dry in the fresh, sun-drenched air. We even put chemically treated fibers in the clothes drier to simulate the smell of "outdoor freshness", too.  Computers can practically do anything for you these days.  I am in search of a program that will wipe my ass but I have had no such luck as of today.  Our phones - no not the land lines, the cell phones, they are even "smart".  I am sure Apple or Android will come up with a smart phone app that will wipe my ass, soon enough.

All of this technology is getting scary in that technology has made our society as a whole IMPATIENT!  Everybody wants to be ahead of everybody else - everybody MUST be first - the world is in too much of a hurry, and for what - money? Death??

Pretty soon, "death" itself is going to be too damn inconvenient for some folks. 

Instant gratification is the ONLY thing that is acceptable, anything short of that is an outrage - according to the younger generations that have been spoiled rotten (born cerca 1985 +).  YEP, probably you, too!  People don't even practice "good manners" these days, much LESS understand what that means.  I guess these parents were too busy playing Mortal Combat that they couldn't find time to teach good manners and how they should be used.  I honestly believe that my generation (born cerca 1970) is the last of the "well-mannered" generation that actually gives a shit how people are treated - we open doors for folks, we give up a seats for our elders, and we are mindful in that we SHARE this world with others.  We say, "please" and "thank you" and (get this) WE MEAN IT!! 
Now, I'm not an "old fashioned" person per se, but some of the mannerisms of people of all ages, coupled with the products out there nowadays are irreversibly endangering our society's basic survival instants.  Computers have literally dumb-downed our kids!!  They have us so dependant on computers that kids of today can't even fathom the idea of processing a thought on their own, they can't even count back proper change from a twenty dollar bill without a computer, calculator or cash register telling them what to give back. - pethetic!  Kids think that proper research means to "Google" it.   

 Most of the  "technology" that you kids enjoy now, was researched MANUALLY, long before computers.  And BTW kids:  Even the first mobile phone was invented long before the common house-hold computer. (OMG - No Way!! REALLY??)  
Yes Way!! 
Check it out here

Now, the product I want to show you hardly has much "technology" to it, but I have to mention it.   I was in the a giant "super-duper saver store"  the other day, when I passed this display:

Now, I'm all for free enterprise and the "American dream" and all the jazz that goes with it, and I will freely admit that some items of "convenience" that entrepreneurs  have invented are pretty darn cool but this?? Seriously???  What struck me odd about this display is that it was conveniently  stuck in the center isle, practically blocking the path to the vitamins, health bars and protein powders commonly used by exercise enthusiasts.  Why didn't they just stick this thing in the sporting section blocking the treadmills and exercise bikes.

Look at some of the fatties that shop at these super-duper saver stores.  You've seen them, they wear spandex to overly accentuate their muffin-tops and knee fat all while wearing spaghetti-string crop-tops so you can have further grotesque viewing of their sweaty blubber because they are sooo proud to show off the fact that they can pound back four quarter pound burgers /w cheese, pickles, onions, a super-duper sized order of french fries and suck down an extra large DIET coke in one shot... AND still have room for those chips, candy bars, sodas and cupcakes that they are probably buying with their WIC allowances paid for by John Q. Taxpayer, you know - THOSE people.

My guess is that the only exercise these super-duper shopping fatties are getting IS by bending over to wash their little piggies attached to their puff-pastry like hooves.  But now - EUREKA!!   With this handy little product, I predict all those "super-duper saver stores" are going to have to WIDEN their isles - again!

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