Monday, May 16, 2011

The Border... One man's dream is another man's nightmare!

President Obama was here last week - he declared our border officially "safe and secure".  I would feel safe and secure too, if I had a security detail that swept the area I was about to visit 10 hours prior to arrival and then surround myself with 20+ trained marksmen just waiting for the chance to throw themselves in front of a bullet.   Add another 100 marksmen "in the area" surveying everybody's every move and yeah - I guess you could say I'd feel pretty "safe and secure", too.
In the meantime... we who LIVE here, who are not privy to such security measures, must fend for ourselves.

And what about our law enforcement??

Our crooked county sheriff followed the President's remarks... like a good little lamb...  ALSO declaring our borders' "safe and secure", mimicking the president's words all while mocking the citizens, local law enforcement and border patrol officers who know better.

While these two fools spew forth their words of (not so much) wisdom amongst a crowd of sheep eating it up, I will remind you that  both of these two "Officials" are up for RE-ELECTION and will stop at nothing to keep their offices - and apparently say anything as well.

The President just wants the Latino vote and I am sure he has been advised that he won't win any re-election without it. The Sheriff has to back up the President's words or he will look like he isn't doing anything but refuting the President - it makes me wonder if a political "deal"  was struck here or not.  Either way, they both are saying all this non-sense just for VOTES...  for the Latino votes.

President Obama had to "DECLARE" the border safe and secure just before the election year, whether it was true or not, because in his last campaign he PROMISED to make border security a top priority... among other promises left forgotten and broken!  He doesn't want you to notice he IGNORED his campaign promises he made to get elected nearly three years ago.   He doesn't want you to notice he IGNORED our borders until it became a war zone that he apparently is actively choosing to STILL ignore with his false declarations.   He doesn't want you to notice that he ignored YOU, the citizen, the voter that lives in harms way due in part by his broken campaign promises and his NEGLECT!

Don't be fooled!  WAKE UP!  We know what "safe and secure" is... and more importantly, we know what it ISN'T... and it ISN'T HERE just because some over-baring, pompous political wind-bag who knows he fucked up, and  is desperate for your vote, says the words without PROPER attestation, he instead used false and half counted statistics!

The President chose to make jokes and mocked those requesting more border security funding...
“Maybe they’ll say we need a moat,” Obama said of Republicans pushing for more border security funding amid the lower crime statistics. “Or alligators in the moat. They’ll never be satisfied. And I understand that. That’s politics.”
 Read whole news article here

A moat, seriously??  OMG!  FYI, Mr. President, the Rio Grande River is a mighty deep river that rages on, stealing lives everyday.   Your pitiful "moat" would be nothing to add.  If you choose to insult people with idiocies, such as that remark, at least know what the fuck you are talking about!  I would have expected something a little more "witty" from a self-important, egotistical man like yourself, however, I forgot... you are not at your best without your teleprompter!

Is THAT the kind of man we want leading our country??   The kind of man who laughs at those in danger,  slapping the faces of those families who have had loved ones already killed on our "safe and secure" border streets, blaming others and making jokes about moats to justify his neglected campaign promises??  

The news headlines are filled with proof of this violence EVERY DAY!!  How it can be down-played is beyond me... here are more news articles.  If you don't read them all, that's fine, but at least pay attention to the dates of when they were written... all of the articles were written within days before, during and after the President's visit on May 10th, 2011, announcing the "safe and secure" border BS and making jokes about moats and alligators.    So how can a "safe and secure declaration be made if the events in these articles are happening??  Read and decide for yourself just how "safe and secure" you would feel?
How can our streets suddenly be "safe and secure" when it was just last week that we found yet more LIVE hand grenades laying in our public streets from the "SPILL -OVER" that IS happening right now (or not happening, depending on which elected fool with whom you are speaking)!   How many grenades is that now... I lost count.  Boy, I sure am thankful for that "safe and secure" feeling in my gut (and no shrapnel either)!

I live less than 15 minutes (driving) from the border of Mexico, it is a war zone in a lot of these areas.  I used to enjoy sitting on the docks of the Rio Grande River, watching the boaters, enjoying the scenery.  Now, all you see on the other side of the river are men, some Mexican Military, others... well... are not "official" military... but ALL are carrying very large guns and standing under trees, staring back at YOU!  Oh yeah - they see you LONG before you see them, I promise!  Here's something fun... I challenge anyone to drive a pick up truck or an SUV along the border wall area at dusk.  Think of it as a game I will call, "flee for your life". Here's how to play:  Assuming you survive the Mexican cartels, the corrupt mexican military and the hundreds of illegals that line our border walls, river banks and our streets... assuming none of these people run you down and kill you, or kidnap you for ransom, or try to jump into your car and take over... when you get back to your "safe and secure" home count the bullet holes in your vehicle, the shrapnel pieces sticking out of your vehicle and jot down your escalated heart rate.  Divide the total by how many seconds it took you to lock your door in a panic and enter the number in the "comments" section of this blog... 
if you live to post - you win!!

I imagine that after the President made his "safe ad secure" speech, he quickly high-tailed it out of the area, back on his "safe and secure" Air Force One, so he wouldn't be hit with a stray grenade.  Mr. President - you don't live here and you have never even been here until last week!!  If you want to declare something that is an absolute non-truth then declare yourself President for another four years!   If you want to help clean up our streets then please take our crooked, sheep-like, political ass-kissing sheriff with you to help build your moat to surround your land of make believe -  But remember that the lips you feel on your ass then, just may be those alligators!

This is DaCanon Blasting off!

All linked articles published in "The Monitor" online at

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