Monday, November 28, 2011

House From Hell (Part Two of a Thousand)

Well the In-Laws are gone and the job is not complete but there is improvement... yes, I used the word "improvement".

The In-Laws left for NM Sunday morning. The flooring in the bedroom is done.  It actually looks really nice.  They went with a stick-on wood-like finish.  The walls and ceiling of bedroom are complete with two coats (5.1 gallons) of Killz and a couple of coats of this beige paint they picked.  The wall that needed replacing is complete as well.

The bathroom is nearly complete.  The flooring is in, the vanity is in, the single section of shower tile is in place, there is not a mirror installed yet, or the medicine cabinet they had bought but it's here, waiting.  We are also waiting for the uncle to come back and do the grout.  This worries me because the dad (uncle's brother) is heading back to NM, so we may never see the uncle again since its nearly impossible to get him to come out here otherwise.  I can grout, I've done it before - and my sister loved the tile work in her kitchen, so the grout is not really the issue.  The issue with the uncle not getting here in a timely fashion and that his tools are scattered throughout my already "filled to the max" garage and I need to put the already purchased kitchen installments in the garage... and as I am typing this this... I am literally surrounded by boxed kitchen cabinets and a 10 foot counter top sticking out, directly behind my desk.  I barely fit in the space provided - my keyboard drawer is unable to be pulled out completely...

So the typos (this time) are not because I am a poor typist... I am simply bunched up in this tiny air-hole section provided for my convenience.  At least they were thinking of me.

Oh yeah, I talked them into a garbage disposal too.  The uncle debated that, I'm sure out of simply not wanting to install one since he took the last one out cuz it didn't work.  K doesn't cook that much so when the old garbage disposal died, she probably told him she didn't need another one but this was long before I came along... and I love to cook.  So when I asked the mom for a garbage disposal, the uncle happen to be walking through and said that the house never had one before.  Both the mom and I said in unison, "Yes it did".  She told him she remembers it, as I showed him where the switch is located on the wall.
I smugly told the uncle, "We are not all take out ya know - I do cook... a lot."  K then chimed in with, "And she's damn fine at it, too!" 

Thanks baby - I love cooking for you -  you appreciate it and that makes cooking more fun  :-)

Bottom line on the disposal - I WIN!  That smaller box sitting on the uninstalled counter top (picture above) is my new garbage disposal.  YAY! 

As for the nasty giant hole in my dining room / office...

Out of sight... out of mind, right?!?! 

(Can't you just feel me rolling my eyes.)

They all will be back here at Christmas time so hopefully they will have my cabinets / counter top installed, fix the ceiling, finish the flooring upstairs (half of the hallway is unfinished) and all the other good stuff.  So we will see in the next few weeks.

I am sure that will also give the grandmother time to get more Holy water in case she wants to come to the house to "help" too.  Hmmm, I should also alert the chicken farmers that she may be looking for a sacrifice soon.

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